Call for Papers

The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages & Linguistics (MMLL) and the Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies (CCGS) are pleased to announce the 17th International Conference of Greek Linguistics to be held at the University of Cambridge on 23-26 September 2025.

ICGL has been held every two years since 1993 and focuses on all aspects of the linguistic study of Greek, from Ancient to Modern. A small number of thematic workshops will be held as part of the conference. We invite contributions for papers and workshops on any field of Greek Linguistics. Abstracts should be submitted through this link after creating an account following the instructions.

Submission for Paper Presentations

Those who wish to participate in ICGL17 with a presentation are invited to submit two copies of their abstracts (one anonymous and one signed) by 30th September 2024. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30th December 2024. Papers may be presented either in Greek or in English and should be 20 minutes long followed by a 10-minute discussion. Information on poster presentations will be sent out in the near future.

Guidelines for Abstract Submissions

  • Abstracts should be submitted as a DOC, DOCX, or RTF file.
  • Abstracts should be typeset to A4 size, 1.5 line spacing with 2.5 cm margins in 11pt Arial font.
  • A full line should be inserted between the title and the body of the text.
  • Page numbers should be omitted.
  • Authors are permitted one full A4 page of text, with a second page for supplemental example sentences, figures, and references.
  • Single or First Author Limitation: Each participant is entitled to submit only one abstract as a single author or as the first author. This limitation applies to both the main session and workshops.
  • Co-Authorship Limitation: A participant may be listed as a co-author on a maximum of two abstracts. In these cases, the participant cannot be the first author and they must always be listed as a secondary author. This limitation applies to both the main session and workshops.

Submission for Thematic Workshops

Researchers who wish to organise a workshop are welcome to submit a single A4 page abstract detailing its content. Workshops on all areas of the analysis of Greek are welcome.

The following information should be included in the abstract submitted on the form:

  1. Organiser’s Name and affiliation
  2. Title of the thematic workshop
  3. List of participants (including names, affiliations and individual titles)

Important Dates

Abstract deadline (Workshops) 31st August 2024 15th September 2024
Abstract deadline (Papers) 15th September 2024 30th September 2024
Notification 30th December 2024
Conference 23-26th September 2025